
I usually hate attending events like this, to be honest. But when he was introduced onstage, I realised Murray was the guy who patiently held the lift open for us downstairs.

None of the usual ‘self-help guru’ rubbish, just a guy turning his incredible journey into lessons and stories we could all relate to.

— Susan, Auckland

Recent Topics

Futureproofing our Kids:
Why schools are the last place they should be learning right now

Everything Is Awesome:
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The Ethics of AI:
Meet the people behind the robots learning to dance on our graves

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Co-written & presented with the brilliant Bryony Cole, host of The Future of Sex podcast

Product Design 101:
How to take that idea out of your head and sell it all over the world while you sleep

Right Now I’m Working On

Neurodiversity and the
Fate of Humanity

— Murray Galbraith

How to change the world
Why the sudden explosion in ADHD diagnoses might just save the planet

Got an upcoming event?

“I never know what to expect, but I’m never, ever disappointed.
Murray always brings an incredibly unique perspective”

— Jonathan, Sydney